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Government of Israel Introduces U.S. Gulf Coast States to World-Leading Israeli Technology Available for Assisting Oil Spill Cleanup The Government of Israel’s Economic Mission sent the Governors of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Texas and Florida information about Israeli companies with world-leading advanced Israeli technology that are ready to deploy and assist with the clean-up and recovery process of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. Beginning on July 23rd, 2010 Israel’s Economic Mission contacted the Governors’ offices as part of their ongoing efforts to pursue supportive collaboration with the United States. The Israeli companies included LDD Neopharm Group which developed a breakthrough technology that rapidly and effectively biodegrades crude oil in an open sea system while it is still at sea as well as after it reaches the shore. This is a breakthrough as existing biodegradable technologies only function after the oil reaches the shore. Other companies included Hossen Engineering & Marketing, LTD, which developed specially designed water skimmers to collect and absorb oil, as well as BioPetroClean (BPC), which boasts that it owns the most advanced bioremediation technology, which cost-effectively and efficiently can utilize existing infrastructure at sea (such as storage tanks or old basins) to treat millions of gallons of oily water and contaminated soil. All of the companies are eager and ready to join the global effort to address the oil spill crisis.
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